Paperless Parts customer story


SC drills
Cutting Tools

SpeedMax SC drills Handle INOX and Other Steel Materials

Inovatools’ SpeedMax inner-cooled SC drills are high-performance precision tools that are required when machining INOX and other steel materials covered by this general term.

Machining block spdinle
Automation & Robots

Bex8 Machining Block Spindle Handles High-Speed Operations

Suhner Industrial Products Corp.’s Bex8 is a smaller version of the Suhner Bex15 that features the ability to mount directly onto robotic arms for fully automated machining operations in high-speed, high-production departments.

BMT turret

Turret-Adapted Clamping Unit Provides High Clamping Forces

In place of the standard turret tooling available on CNC lathes, the KM product line of turret-adapted clamping units from Kennametal and EWS Tool is designed to improve shopfloor efficiency.

Tap holder

LCTH Tap Holder Compensates for Misalignment

TM Smith Tool’s LCTH general-purpose compensating tap holder has tension and/or compression for non-synchronous machines, and radial float to compensate for misalignment between the workpiece and spindle.

KNS cutter
Cutting Tools

KNS Cutter Platform Reduces Waste

Kennametal’s KNS slotting platform can be used across a range of cutting applications, including by automakers, equipment manufacturers and power generation and electronics companies.


Max Bar Mini Shank Toolholders Fit Swiss Machines

Somma’s Max Bar series of mini shank toolholders are designed to fit Swiss machines and can be used for front turning, back turning, cutting off, grooving, and threading, as well as plunge and turn, face grooving, ID grooving, threading and boring.

Gundrilling machine
Cutting Tools

Gundrilling Machine Produces Scroll Compressor Driveshafts

Kay’s Engineering’s DeHoff 518 cell is a gundrilling machine for high-volume production of scroll compressor driveshafts with a shaft requires a different diameter hole to be drilled in each end for lubrication of the scroll bearing.

Cutting Tools

Mastercam 2018 Mill Emphasizes Speed and Automation

CNC Software’s Mastercam 2018 mill offers 2D high speed tool paths, 3D enhancements, and multi-axis features that combine with additional enhancements in a package intended to improve shopfloor productivity.

Vibration-dampening tooling system
Cutting Tools

Steadyline Tooling for Large Diameter Work Dampens Vibration

Seco Tools’ Steadyline vibration-dampening tooling system absorbs vibrations before they spread through the bar.

Collet chuck

KZF-S Collet Chuck Enables Lights-Out Manufacturing

Röhm’s KZF-S collet chuck is a powered external clamping chuck for gear surface face grinding.