The latest technology from NSK America, Kays Engineering, Inc./DeHoff/Eldorado, BIG KAISER, Rollomatic, and Walter USA
Electric Spindle System Offers Full Tool Changeability
NSK America的I-Speed 5利用具有独立RPM设置的多个纺锤体。
NSK America Corp.’si-Speed5 is an electric, fully tool-changeable, high-speed spindle system which is designed to enable lights-out, high-speed machining. The company says that multiple spindles can be utilized with full tool changeability and independent rpm settings. This .500 hp, 60,000 or 80,000 rpm variable speed system has full integration and communication capabilities to the CNC Control. The i-Speed5 is available in most BT, CT and HSK tapers. A remote unit is available to allow the controller to be mounted inside the machine’s electrical cabinet, utilizing the integral ventilation exhaust tube. The i-Speed5 is said to maintain NSK America’s guarantee of less than 1 micron TIR. A constant clean stop block is utilized to connect the NSK i-Speed5 system to the controller.
Eldorado M75-30T Machine Has Servo-Driven Option
The Eldorado M75-30T from Kays Engineering enables faster part loading and unloading.
Eldorado M75-30T炮制机器凯斯工程features an option for a servo-driven fixturing assembly, which allows machine operators to quickly load and unload parts from a more ergonomic position. With the servo-driven option, a Beckhoff servo motor rotates the ballscrew, which provides advance/retract motion for the counter-rotation assembly. The servo-driven option is operated with a toggle switch for faster, more repeatable operation and eliminates repetitive motion for the operator. Safety features include a torque limiter on the servo drive and mechanical limit switches on the slide, which prevent the operator from crashing the fixturing assembly and damaging the machine. The machine includes a counter-rotation fixturing assembly that grips the tailstock end of the workpiece to rotate the workpiece in the opposite direction of the gundrill tool rotation, which improves the accuracy of the drilled hole.
Big Kaiser Drill Suited for Low Cutting Speeds
Big Kaiser’s Nirox drill from Sphinx suited for low rpms.
Big Kaiser Precision Tooling’sSphinx的NiROX高性能钻非常适合在不稳定环境中的低切割速度下使用。它的直径为0.30至3.00毫米,其几何形状在该点的螺旋角度等于30度。据该公司称,该钻头的设计旨在准确,精确的孔位置,最高为9xD。现代化的基于Tialsin的涂层可在难以机械和粘合剂材料(例如钛,不锈钢,不锈钢,硬化钢和COCR合金)中增强芯片和冷却液疏散。
Rollomatic Adds Sharpening Tool Capability
Rollomatic Lasersmart 510激光切割和消融机将技术结合起来,以增强厚膜,涂有钻石涂层的碳化物工具,以保持切割边缘锋利。
Rollomaticadded capabilities to allow sharpening of thick-film, diamond-coated carbide tools in its LaserSmart 510 laser cutting and ablation machine. The company says the Rollomatic CNC Laser Cutting Machine LaserSmart incorporates technologies that facilitate probing the surface of the coated cutting edge to detect the exact shape and position. According to the company, the laser cutting process removes just enough diamond coating to make the cutting edge sharp. Only a predetermined amount of the coating (just around the cutting edge) is removed by the laser cutting process. The company states that in‐field tests have demonstrated the tool life can increase significantly with a sharpened thick‐film coated tool compared to conventional diamond-coated cutting tools, and such cutting tools can be a cost‐effective alternative to PCD tools. It is said the new capabilities also provide highly accurate, near‐perfect total indicator runout, fast cycle time, simulation of the tool path after edge detection, and the same machine can laser cut PCD and other super‐hard materials.
Walter’s Boring Bar Features Vibration Damping
Accure∙tec features vibration damping technology for maximum precision.
Walter’sACCURE∙TEC抗振动A3000钻孔的设计旨在以6×DC的长度/直径比出色,该公司表示,这是某些常规钢或纯碳化物钻孔通常被证明效率较低的地方。该单元的长度为6、8和10×DC,钻孔直径为1.25“,1.50”和2.00“(32、40和50毫米),可应要求提供额外的尺寸和长度。CARTOC6和C8主轴连接以及HSK100T连接也可以作为标准。该公司表示,无聊的酒吧具有紧凑,可靠的四边形精度快速变化交换头,可提高多功能性并减少停机时间。该设备还具有最佳的芯片芯片交付,可帮助您提供最佳的芯片交付。实现出色的表面表面。在工厂预设了反振动功能,因此该工具已准备好快速应用。该工具还可以使用负和正插入物,包括老虎TEC TEC银级材料,以使生产力转向生产力。为航空航天,石油和天然气以及一般金属加工等行业的零件提供快速和生产性的反磨损和内部分析。