Mini-Skimmer T.S. Tube-Type Oil Skimmer with Small Footprint
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The oil skimmer collects a half-gallon of oil per hour despite its compact size and simple design.
Edited byLori Beckman
Wayne Products’ Mini-Skimmer T.S. (tube skimmer) is a tube-type oil skimmer that collects a half-gallon of oil per hour despite its compact size and simple design. It has a small skimmer housing that measures 3” x 4-5/8” x 4”, using the same motor that has been powering Mini-Skimmers since their initial release 30 years ago, the company says. The skimmer is designed to be a versatile, portable, and efficient solution for hard-to-access sumps.
The T.S. replaces the company’s existing tube skimmer with one that is more durable, easier to relocate, and more efficient.
The powder-coated steel stand can be placed on top of a sump tank or hung from its side. Pick it up, hang it and move it freely on any tanks you need to skim with ease. The drive unit is made from anodized aluminum and corrosion-resistant Delrin.