Goeltenbodt's Toolholders Designed for Swiss-Type Automatic Lathes
PMTS 2019: Goeltenbodt’s expanded line of presettable, coolant-fed toolholders is designed for the Tornos MultiSwiss line and for Swiss-type automatic lathes.
Goeltenbodt’s line of presettable, coolant-fed toolholders expands to include toolholders designed for the Tornos MultiSwiss line and for Swiss-type automatic lathes. The company says the toolholders are 100 percent presettable in X, Y and Z axes out of the machine. The product is said to offer repeatability at 0.0002". Coolant-through holders with pressure ratings ranging to 500 psi are available. The rigid design provides chatter-free operation, reliability and long tool life, according to the company.
Collets Vs. Chucks
Find the definition, types and advantages of both CNC collets and chucks for workholding as well as the best applications for each, in this article.
Inventory Control Systems For The Shop
An ongoing effort towards more efficient operations drove this shop to take a closer look at indirect material usage, subsequently leading to implementation of a new system for tracking toolroom inventory.
The Many Sides of Workholding
Here's a broad look at different ways to approach workholding, from bar feeders to collet chucks to robotics.