Things We Can Learn
As we move through both our personal and professional lives, we learn a great many things. We learn what we should do in given situations and perhaps even more importantly, what we should not do. What we learn along the way helps shape who we are and what we will ultimately accomplish.
总统,Smart Manufacturing Solutions
There is one person I can credit for teaching me many things during my life. I try to apply what this person taught me as often as I can, but like most, I need the occasional reminder to get me back on track. So here is my reminder to each of you: Learn these simple, yet powerful life lessons.
• Treat others the way you want to be treated.Most of us tend to gravitate toward those who treat us well. We enjoy being in their company and try to spend as much time with them as we can. On the other hand, we do not look forward to interactions with people who treat us poorly. Although we may be required to interact with these people, we do so as little as possible. If we can take time to picture ourselves as others do, we could learn a great deal about our own behavior. Are we treating others in a way we would like to be treated, or are we acting like those we try to avoid? This introspection may lead us to alter our behavior and perhaps, improve some of our more strained relationships.
• Help others become better at what they do.有很多方法可以做工作。一种方法是告诉某人该怎么做以及如何做。这甚至可能是结束的最快手段。但是,如果我们希望某人主动地做出主动,最终会变得更好,那么最好以不同的方式传达期望。强调结果并留下实现他们开放的手段的方法,提出了一个挑战,有人可以表现出来。看着某人“弄清楚”是一种有意义的经历。
• Support people whenever you can.支持是可以采取多种形式的人类需求。这些范围从简单地承认做得好的工作到更实质性的行动,例如提供时间,资源和金钱。没有人能自己做一切。即使是那些认为他们可以偶尔需要支持的人。当然,支持不是权利。有时,我们根本无法支持人们在做什么。如果是这种情况,我们需要告诉他们为什么我们不支持他们的行为,想法或信念,以便他们可以在没有我们的支持的情况下做出决定。在适当的时候得到支持可以使某人受到赞赏。
• 从未停止学习。Be curious, ask questions, explore—these are all ways to maintain a lifelong learning experience. Learning can come from reading, visiting, watching, listening, sharing and trying different things. Sometimes, it seems like we are too busy to learn something new or different. We should resist this excuse as much as we can because we immediately fall behind when we stop learning.
• Be willing to laugh at yourself.Sometimes it’s easy to fall into the trap of taking yourself too seriously. Nobody is all-knowing or mistake-free. Admit when you don’t know something, and learn from your mistakes. Find humor in these situations when you can. People will have greater respect for you and might even share information more freely (which will also contribute to your continuous-learning mission).
• Know when it’s time to change, and make the necessary changes.Blindly heading down a “comfortable” path is certainly easy, but it might not be the best path to follow. Change can often lead to a better outcome even though it might force us out of our comfort zone. There is no getting around it: Change is one of those constants in life, and being willing to adapt to change will make us better-equipped to handle whatever challenges lie ahead of us.
The person who taught me these things, and so much more, was my dad, Mitchell, who passed away recently. I hope I can continue to put his teachings to use, and perhaps even pass a few of my own along to you as I continue my own journey of life-long learning.