In my visits to Europe, I've noticed a different approach to education and training compared to what is typical here in the U.S. Europe seems far more open to encouraging younger generations to explore trade occupations, where the U.S. is overly obsessed with the "need" for a college education. Fortunately, I've begun to see a shift in this thinking in recent years, but we still have a long way to go.
我们的六月问题上的最后一句话,由Tom Peters,劳动力发展主任撰写符号培训学院在Skokie,伊利诺伊州,深入了解德国人们在培训和学徒方面做得正确。彼得斯先生作为跨大西洋集群倡议在金属加工代表团的一部分前往三个德国城市。这支德国和德国制造专业人员的团队被组建,促进了知识和最佳实践的交流。
读 ”对学徒的一条路“为他承担德国和美国公司之间的差异以及我们可以做些什么来迈向更有效的教育和培训机会,以进一步发展青少年业界的兴趣。