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业务目的只有一个有效的定义:创建客户。” - 彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)


信誉是销售客户关系的核心。没有信誉,销售人员无需出售。首先,他们必须将自己作为雇主的可信代表出售,并真正有兴趣帮助客户。销售人员赚取的信托是客户采取行动并做出决定的基础 - 购买决定。没有信任,就不会有业务关系。当存在信任时,即使客户不喜欢销售人员的答案,这可能要求扩大交付或价格上涨,至少他们知道这是事实。丢失的信任等于永久损失销售。


Clear communications is the process by which sales are made. There is no sales process without communications to create a meeting of the minds. Communication means more than the ability to speak or sell. Active and appreciative listening are key to the salesperson creating an accurate picture of the customer’s problem and needs. This accurate picture is essential if the proposed solutions to be sold are to be helpful and seen as an improvement by the customer. The best salespeople, in my experience, were strongest at listening and drawing out all aspects of their customer’s needs before offering any potential solutions. They are non-judgmental as well, even if the problem is one that the rest of the industry has solved decades before. By being a careful listener, and identifying with the customer’s perspective, the salesperson creates a roadmap by which to offer the solution that they represent.

Customer Agency
In the days that I was in sales management, this would have been described as “willingness to fight for the customer.” We’ve grown past the idea of business relationships being strictly adversarial. Yes, the salesperson works for their principle, but the job of the salesperson is just as much to sell their principle on what they have learned that their customers need in order to solve their problem. Oftentimes what is needed does not nicely fit into the principle’s stated terms, conditions, minimum quantities or standard practices. The salesperson needs to use their credibility, their mastery of the product and process knowledge of both companies and their ability to clearly communicate to effectively advocate for the optimum solution for all parties. Fight for the customer? Not so much. Work tirelessly to deliver the best solution? You bet!



What do salespeople get from customers if they meet the above attributes desired by their customers? Respect, new orders, repeat business, the chance to make another sale.