
可靠性和可预测性对于像这种P20汽车烤架模具这样的困难的工作尤为重要,HMS的Corey Greenwald表示是来自一名客户的第一个零件,以完全铣削而不是EDM加工。总共,这种几何形状需要超过300小时的无人调整,不间断加工。
车间可以是一个非常孤独的地方硬磨解决方案(HMS)。During this Detroit-area shop’s single, staffed shift, most employees are likely to be found in the front office programming future jobs while machines churn away untended, the table of each fully loaded with parts that have little in common outside of hardened material and complex geometry. When employees come into work the next day, some of those machines will likely still be running, while others will have stopped just in time for employees to unload one varied batch of parts and set up the next. HMS has a system in place for ensuring the process is reliable and predictable enough to trust to this extent. Able to potentially be duplicated by any shop with a suitable CAM system, that system is the subject of这个3月问题的功能文章。