
Keeping Jobs In North America




What about the technology? The attendees and the exhibitors come to a technical conference to learn about and exhibit the best available and newest technologies. The goal for attendees is to find that “killer application” and bring it back to the shop to make their operation more productive, more capable and, in the end, more profitable. That’s how we will keep manufacturing jobs in North America—by improving our competitiveness one shop at a time.

在今年的会议上首次亮相的盖技术技术的新发展包括一个新颖的直度仪表系统,该系统使长宽比部分的多个直接读数成为可能。另一个新的光学量规也启用了瞬时计算机化捕获多个测量值以及复杂零件上特征的关系。这些量具是由Precision Machine Shops在北美的精密机械车间制造的,这也激发了人们对我们行业未来的乐观情绪。

在印第安纳州诺布尔斯维尔的Index Machine的下班后开放日,与会者能够看到世界一流的机械正在运行和各个验证阶段。我们对两台CNC多主轴机器的愿景着迷,这些机器是由龙门机器人之间的一台龙门机器人穿梭的作品集成的。




看看我们的加工过程的新方法。Getting better uptime on our machines through the better understanding of tools and predicting their failure modes taught all attendees how to be more competitive. Getting better productivity by applying radical new drill technologies is another lesson they learned.

A session on understanding our processes through statistically based capability studies gave one more way for attendees to have more confidence in their processes and their products.


But the prospects for manufacturing in North America are looking bright based on the people, tech-nologies and techniques that were presented at the conference this year. “Pole Position For Peak Performance” was the theme of the conference, and that theme might well be the forecast for our North American precision machining industry in the years ahead.
