


“ rpm”通常代表每分钟旋转,但在楔制造中,这也意味着“从机器上卸下零件”。这是阿拉巴马州伯明翰的浪费时间的各种潜在来源之一。

implementing a solution. The particular remedy the shop found was classic lean manufacturing—simple but effective. The shop cut a plastic container to size and bolted it beneath the lathe’s tool slide, where the machine could advance it into position just as the spacer was being cut away.

除了此“ RPM”步骤外,Wedge还考虑了过程的其他各个步骤,包括检查零件,与工程进行通信以及获得工具。所有在所有方面都会跟踪九个常见的过程步骤(尽管特定列表频繁地进行了细化)。每天都在每个Shoploor员工中研究这些步骤中的每个步骤的时间。每天下午5:30,商店的工作人员聚集在白板前,当天将这些数字输入这些数字。



董事会中衡量成功的列仅标记为“%”。这是生产优质零件所花费的总时间,即每天在每台机器上可用时间的百分比。该商店的目的是看到这些百分比继续攀升。虽然最初在90年代获得数字的梦想已被证明具有挑战性,但商店通常会达到70。如果没有董事会的专门显示如何每天变得更好,那么这些数字将保持良好的状态,甚至没有商店,甚至没有商店意识到它的时间就会降低。在效率低下的过程中,繁忙的活动伪装成生产力 - 通过使生产力变得轻松,精益过程成功。

Going Solo

The idea that lean manufacturing does not apply to job shops is a particularly ironic notion to Wedge, because this manufacturer didn’t embrace lean until it became a job shop.

该商店始于IMS部门,综合医疗系统 - 伯明翰公司,除其他服务外,还提供了手术器械的维修。IMS对供应商收到的一些加工工作不满意,建立了自己的机械车间。起初,该商店仅由一个加工中心和一台Mazak Integrex多任务机器组成,并拥有两名员工来运行它们。



Today there are 14 employees and 10 CNC machines, consisting of two machining centers, two Integrex machines, one Swiss-type lathe, three other lathes and two EDM machines. Instead of being committed to just one internal customer, the shop now has about a dozen customers in addition to its corporate owner.

当布莱恩·琼斯(Brian Jones)被聘为Wedge的总经理时,他为其他制造商带来了工作的背景。他采取的第一步之一是将所有员工送入奥本大学进行的“精益101”培训的一天,因此,整个员工都会对精益目标及其学科的目标有所了解。该指令很快就会进行的更改说明了“精益”一词实际上是错误的,因为商店添加了资源与将它们带走一样多。

Collets were purchased in the interest of saving time, for example. Every turning machine got its own complete set of collets so operators would not have to look for them. But then, Allen wrenches were subtracted—also in the interest of saving time—with each machine not having a full set, but instead only the wrenches that could be used on that machine.


Other process changes have resulted from employees’ daily discussions around the board. One of the most significant of these was a second whiteboard that now summarizes the upcoming jobs for each machine. Having this information available in such a visible way has enabled employees to use their unplanned free moments more effectively. At a glance, employees can now start thinking about the jobs they’ll run next. While the current job is running, they can examine the travelers and setup sheets stored in a rack near the whiteboard and begin assembling the tools, gages and other resources needed to start work on that job when the machine becomes free.




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