哈斯工具室车床系列提供多用途的车削直径为30"和长度为60"。从手动车削到全数控车床,哈斯工具室具有专有的会话操作系统,使切割零件和创建零件程序几乎毫不费力。操作者选择一个操作,触发X和Z面,然后提示输入基本尺寸信息。默认值的进料每转,主轴速度和切割深度自动输入控制,但可以更改由操作员。一旦输入了所有必要的信息,按下循环开始按钮就可以执行所需的操作。记录器功能允许信息被保存以备将来检索。工具室车床系列操作在四种模式-从手动到全数控。在所有模式下,哈斯控制提供非常精确的数字读出(DRO)位置,当使用手动手轮时显示为0.0005,当使用电子慢跑手柄时显示为0.0001。可以设置电子软停止来限制车床的行程。在手动模式下,X轴和Z轴通过标准手轮移动。 In semi-automatic mode, the Toolroom Lathe series performs simultaneous linear interpolation for both axes using a single handwheel. In automatic mode, built-in machining cycles (both single- and multi-pass) are available for rough and finish profiling, chamfering, grooving, parting off, threading, drilling and tapping. In full-CNC, all axis motion is regulated by the Haas control via a G-code program. Operations that would be difficult or impossible on a manual machine, such as radii, tapers, profiles, grooving, ID and OD threading, and rigid tapping, are all possible on the Toolroom Lathe series – without knowledge of G-code programming. Help menus are available directly on-screen, and a dry-run graphics feature allows operators to check their work before running a part.