FARO的新型激光扫描仪LS 420售价低于6.5万美元
FARO技术公司是全球便携式CAM2解决方案完整系列的唯一供应商,该公司发布了ls420;一个新的,低成本的版本,其流行的激光扫描仪产品线。FARO总裁兼联合首席执行官Jay Freeland表示:“LS 420作为一款低价、短程扫描器,将为那些不需要扩展高端LS型号范围、但仍然需要可靠性、准确性和易用性的公司打开新的市场。”
FARO技术公司是全球便携式CAM2解决方案完整系列的唯一供应商,该公司发布了ls420;一个新的,低成本的版本,其流行的激光扫描仪产品线。FARO总裁兼联合首席执行官Jay Freeland表示:“LS 420作为一款低价、短程扫描器,将为那些不需要扩展高端LS型号范围、但仍然需要可靠性、准确性和易用性的公司打开新的市场。”LS还利用了现有的可互换模块化设计,客户只需购买一个模块,就可以升级到精度更高的版本,而不是购买整个扫描仪。”新型激光扫描仪LS 420的入门价格为64,900美元,射程为20米。与它的前辈提供35米和70米的远程射程一样,ls420是一个高速的,基于相移的扫描设备,在平均模式下具有+/-3mm的精度。Freeland表示:“该扫描仪比大多数竞争对手更精确,速度比飞行扫描仪快100倍。420的性能和低廉的价格使FARO激光扫描仪成为该领域最具成本效益的设备。”LS使用户能够将巨大的空间数字化为3-D,随时可以行动的数据。用户将该设备安装在一个三脚架上,然后它可以进行360度的扫描,垂直扫描320度,在大约4.5分钟内捕捉到平均2800万像素的数据云。激光产生的图像,即使在最大的范围内,微小的细节也是清晰的。 “One user who scanned an entire business jet reported that details as fine as rivets and tire lugs are easily distinguished in the scans,” FARO Director of LS Product Management Bernd Dietmar-Becker said. “Others use the instrument to check the trueness of tunnel walls during construction, or recreate crime scenes.” The 3-D scans are rejoined in the FARO Scene V3 software to provide an accurate perspective of the entire room, building, object, etc. from any point of view, thus creating a virtual environment in which the engineers can move about at will, change directions and examine particular areas from multiple perspectives. Because the FARO LS brings in so much data at once, it compresses the time that users spend on-site collecting data. The FARO Laser Scanner LS 420’s primary industries include: large-product manufacturing, process industries, automotive, power generation, tunnel and mining, civil engineering, forensics/crime-scene and insurance investigation, heritage preservation, and architecture.