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FARO激光扫描仪LS w/8行业专用软件包

FARO Technologies, Inc.是全球便携式CAM2解决方案完整系列的单一来源,发布了一套专门的软件包,增强其流行的激光扫描仪LS产品线的能力。每个包都为建筑、历史保护、法医调查、隧道和采矿、产品设计和质量保证,以及工艺和发电厂、再工程和资产管理等专业人士提供专门的解决方案。

FARO Technologies, Inc.是全球便携式CAM2解决方案完整系列的单一来源,发布了一套专门的软件包,增强其流行的激光扫描仪LS产品线的能力。每个包都为建筑、历史保护、法医调查、隧道和采矿、产品设计和质量保证,以及工艺和发电厂、再工程和资产管理等专业人士提供专门的解决方案。FARO激光扫描仪LS是一种便携式的计算机化测量设备,通过扫描80米以外的360度路径上的一切,可以生成一张高分辨率的3-D数字“照片”。它每秒收集12万个点,精度高达3毫米,同时系统的笔记本电脑数字化地再现并记录所有物体的3-D测量值。然后,捕获的数据可以用来创建数字模型,或者针对任何需要高度详细的3-D测量的东西,对现有模型进行评估和分析,包括工厂规划、建筑信息建模——以及从土地测量、重建事故现场和犯罪现场,数字化保存历史遗址。FARO LS的快速数据收集能力大大减少了现场扫描时间,提高了工作效率,新的行业专用软件包使用户能够快速、更有效地处理和展示结果。这8个可用的软件包包括:FARO Process, Power& piping和INOVx的PlantLINx使石化、化工、食品、电力和其他过程工业能够加载扫描数据,然后识别管道、钢铁元素和其他基元,以便设计过程工厂模型。它允许将建模的系统导出到AutoCAD、Intergraph和AVEVA。FARO Process, Power&Piping with BitWyse公司的LASERGEN-Suite也为过程,电力和管道行业设计,但专门从事点云的出口和管理。 It provides a direct link to Microstation, AutoCAD, Aveva and Intergraph. It also provides clash detection, pipe recognition and data management of large point clouds. FARO Design Studio with Geomagic’s Studio 8 supports the reverse-engineering and design of large products, statues and other freeform shaped objects. It automatically generates an accurate digital model from a point cloud. FARO Compare with Geomagic’s Qualify 8 enables the instant comparison of large products and other freeform shaped objects with their original CAD file. It is used to optimize first article and production inspection, tool validation and spring-back analysis. FARO Tunnel&Mining with ATS’s RR-Tunnel and Mining software simplifies and speeds the comparison of tunnel point clouds to the original design file. It provides well-organized contour lines, profiles and slices, as well as fast reports. All these tools cooperate directly with FARO Scene, the Company’s high-performance, user-friendly software for viewing, administrating, calibrating, filtering and managing large, 3-D point clouds collected with the FARO Laser Scanner LS. FARO Architecture with Autodesk ADT is powerful and widely used to quickly model buildings. The comprehensive Object Library not only speeds up the modeling process, but also fills its database with all the items in order to create quick statistics of the used building components for cost calculations and reports. FARO Heritage with JRC’s Reconstructor meets the archeology-, architecture- and artwork-digitizing needs of Historical Preservationists. Its time-saving features include target-less registration, colored Multi-Resolution-Meshing, Orthophoto, and AutoCad export with FARO Cloud. FARO Forensic enables investigators to quickly dissect crime scenes with advanced functions such as Blood Spatter Analysis, Shooting Trajectories Calculation, Hi-Res Photo Overlay with accurate measurements, and more. “There are so many industries with so many uses for our LS technology – but the applications are so diverse that a single software can’t fit every market’s need,” FARO Director of LS Product Management Bernd Dietmar-Becker said. “Thanks to very hard work by our software development teams and the cooperation of leading software companies, the FARO Laser Scanner LS can now provide an even faster return on investment for more markets than ever before.”
