When you are a shop that produces tight tolerance, high accuracy custom parts, holding precision tolerances can be challenging. This is why Swiss Automation Inc. (Barrington, Ill.) recognized the importance of a quality collet when they began usingrego-fixcollets.
瑞士自动化公司发言人Vanessa Malo说:“您知道您每次都会得到什么。”“它们是可靠的,可预测的,并且没有问题。”
Producing accurate parts, which goes hand-in-hand with quality consistency, is beneficial to the company as well, especially when performing an operation such as micro-drilling. According to the company, these collets help achieve consistent accuracy for this tricky operation.
产品可用性是公司的另一个问题。必须快速交付和轻松访问分销商。马洛女士解释说:“即使一家工具公司没有我们正在寻找的rego-fix collet,另一个分销商也会拥有它。”“我们永远不必等待产品,也不需要
In the past, the company used Rego-Fix sealing disk collets. But when metallic sealed collets made their debut in the market in 2007, Swiss Automation made the switch. Deciding which type of collet to use comes down to a company’s personal preference, and Swiss Automation prefers the metallic sealed collets. "We’ve been using them ever since Rego-Fix came out with them, and they have made a big improvement for us," says shop foreman, Marc Moran.
Ms. Malo adds, "They (the metallic sealed collets) are a good alternative to the sealing disks, as the sealing disks require more maintenance and parts."
“在金属密封件之前很早就出现的密封盘系统上,我们有一个特殊的螺母和密封盘,可以将其插入螺母中,将冷却液锁定在螺母中,” Rego-Fix产品经理David McHenry解释说。“有了这个系统,您就有一个螺母,然后有一个磁盘,因此您必须跟踪两个部分。”必须为每个尺寸购买特殊的螺母和磁盘。
According to Mr. McHenry, the sealing disks also offer a higher cleanliness factor. By design, the seals are in front of the collet, which keeps the collet itself cleaner in the case of machining hard materials that produce very small chips such as brass and graphite, he explains. "The open slots in the collet are exposed and the chips may pack in those slots and call for more cleanup between tool changes," Mr. McHenry says. However, if you are cutting aluminum and steel, this isn’t a problem, he adds.
Producing a keyway, spline or similar longitudinal feature on a turned part usually necessitates an additional, time-consuming, secondary operation on a broaching or slotting machine. That means moving the part to and from a secondary operation, an extra setup, additional labor and hourly machine costs and all of the other headaches that go with secondary operations.
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