Baldrige...And The Sharing Of Best Practices
Many of today’s quality or business standards provide a framework that allows you the flexibility to define what is most effective for your organization. The ISO-based standards provide core system requirements that are now considered fundamental to having the ability to capture new business. The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Program is based on criteria (the standard) that focus on a much broader series of requirements not mandated by other standards and guidelines.
Many of today’s quality or business standards provide a framework that allows you the flexibility to define what is most effective for your organization. The ISO-based standards provide core system requirements that are now considered fundamental to having the ability to capture new business. The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Program is based on criteria (the standard) that focus on a much broader series of requirements not mandated by other standards and guidelines.
Most critical to the implementation of any standard is the importance of understanding what is required and educating those who need to be part of the process. With ISO, sometimes the completion of the audit process to maintain
certification becomes an over-inflated focus.
With the Malcolm Baldrige process, winning the "award" is not the true goal of the program. With both ISO and Malcolm Baldrige programs, it is the educational process that is most important. It is taking your organization on a continual learning process and ensuring that people partake in this system progression. This learning process is the "best practice" on which we need to focus.
Baldrige概述。马尔科姆波多里奇国家质量的程序national education program based on the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. It emphasizes continuous improvement, innovation, integration of processes and results. The program was developed with the idea of increasing the competitiveness, quality and productivity of U.S. organizations for the benefit of all citizens.
马尔科姆·巴尔德里奇(Malcolm Baldrige)国家质量奖是美国组织可以获得的卓越表现的最高国家认可。美国国会于1987年建立了该奖项计划,以表彰美国公司在质量和业务绩效方面的成就。它还建立了,以提高人们对质量和卓越性能作为竞争优势的重要性的认识。
Approach this educational process at your own pace. You have the opportunity to do a cost-effective (free) self-assessment. After your own gap analysis review, you can always make the choice to go deeper within the application process.
共享信息。Those who win the Baldrige Award are required to share their best practices with other businesses at the national "Quest for Excellence" Conference. In 2007, five winners shared their ideas and approaches with conference attendees.
PMPAmembers drive the improvement and the vision for their association. It is the members who push the vision in their districts with programming unique to the economic times, regulations and district locations. It is the members’ participation in the variety of committees and a driving philosophy predicated on teamwork and participation that will trump anything that could be done by an individual that continues to push members toward excellence.
Baldrige流程突出显示的共享类型是Precision Machined产品协会自1933年以来一直在做的事情。该协会在1961年通过在国家技术会议上提供相关的技术内容采取了额外的一步。
Sharing Best Practices?如果在国家会议上分享PMPA成员的最佳实践,当地会议和列表服务中有任何迹象,那么精确的加工行业可能会发现它已经采用了一些Baldrige标准。您的公司呢?要了解更多信息,请访问:
蒙特吉他是ASQ认证的质量审核员,最近被任命为2008年的Malcolm Baldrige质量奖。